Welcome to our website

Three schools (IES Menéndez Pidal, Avilés - Gymnázium Vysoké Mýto - Honley High School, Holmfirth) from three European countries (Spain - Czech Republic - Great  Britain) have been working on this project for a few months now and we have some contributions and results that we would like to share with you. We have learned a lot about our partners and we have also had a lot of fun. Only part of our results is published here because some private pieces of information have to stay private. :-) This website is going to grow together with the project reflecting all its stages. And what is the most important thing - it is our common work, the result of our cooperation.



About our project

Our project consists of three stages: first we get to know each other through a lot of activities and games, second we learn as much as possible about our schools, towns, regions and countries, and third we go on a virtual trip to Brussels together.  It is good to get to know your partners and learn to understand them better because we all live in the European Union.

We would like to thank all the people who helped us with this project. 


Project LOGO

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26/03/2010 19:13

Quality Label

During 6th Czech National eTwinning conference, the project EU-ZONE was awarded Quality Label. Congratulations to everyone working on the project!!! It is the first Quality Label but hopefully not...
28/10/2009 11:23

Website launched

This website was established to inform about the eTwinning project UE ZONE. Its intention is to reflect the common work and results of the project.

Quality Labels
